What is Report and Support?
As a member of the UCD community you have the right to study or work in an environment which is free from bullying, harassment and sexual misconduct. Report and Support provides the opportunity for you to make the University aware of incidents that you have either experienced or witnessed by reporting them anonymously.  The Report and Support site collects information about incidents of bullying, harassment and sexual misconduct and the University will use this information to inform the development and delivery of activities aimed at raising awareness about Dignity and Respect at UCD and the Bullying and Harassment Policy and  Sexual Misconduct Policy  in support of eliminating of bullying, harassment and sexual misconduct. Report and Support allows the University to direct you to helpful supports and provides information relating to other options, including making a formal complaint

Why use Report and Support?
The University recognises that for a variety of reasons you may not feel able to come forward about your experience of bullying, harassment or sexual misconduct. Reporting through this system means that you can report an incident without having to disclose your name or personal details. In this way we can receive information from you about incidents occurring at UCD that otherwise might not be brought to the attention of the University. The information you provide is a valuable source of feedback as the University strives to provide an environment where everyone is treated with dignity and respect and is free from discrimination. The information will be collated and analysed to help us to monitor the number and nature of incidents. 

What is included in the Report and Support system?
The tool contains a short questionnaire with a number of multiple-choice questions. If you choose to report using this system, you will not be asked for your name or your personal details. The information you provide will be used as outlined in the Privacy Statement. If you decide that you don’t want to submit information via the report and support tool you can leave the site at any point. It is important to note that an anonymous report will not result in the commencement of a complaint process.
Talk to someone

If you decide that you would like to talk to someone about your experience you may wish to contact a Dignity and Respect Support Colleague. The Dignity and Respect Support Colleague provide a listening ear and non-directive and non-judgmental support and information to employees and students on a strictly confidential basis. They will provide information available on the supports available and the range of informal options and the formal complaint procedure. 

The UCD Student Advisory Service is a point of contact, support and referral for all UCD students throughout their studies. Students experiencing issues of concern should approach their Student Adviser in the first instance who can then direct them to a Dignity and Respect Support Colleague for issues of a dignity and respect nature.
If you require emergency assistance
If you need immediate help, please contact the Gardai by calling 112 or 999. If you are on campus, or in a University building, and need immediate assistance, please contact the Estate Services Unicare line on 01 716 7999. Estate Services have qualified first responders who can attend the scene and co-ordinate the arrival of emergency services to campus where necessary. Those based at UCD campuses overseas should contact their local emergency services. 

See Support Information pages for a list of UCD and external support options. 




There are two ways you can tell us what happened